Tuesday 29 October 2013

Life Drawing.

Since the start of term I have been doing at least 7 hours of life drawing a week outside of my Art Foundation course as well as a small amount within it. I've been asking around for advice for how to improve from my tutors and all of them without exception suggested that I should work on a larger scale and with a greater variety of materials. Moving out of my comfort zone wasn't easy, and it still took a couple of weeks to get to an A3 size drawing, but I got there.

 These drawings were done in my regular classical style but on a significantly larger scale (almost 3x the height).

My first time using both charcoal and ink. Both images had a light pencil sketch beneath them in order to keep the proportions as accurate as possible.

These two drawings were created in the animation workshop. On the left you can see the first drawing I did which was in my regular style, and to the right is the image I was told to draw using circles. I still didn't draw her completely with circles as I thought this was pushing construction a bit too far however this second drawing does seem to contain more motion.

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