Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Art Foundation.


So its been a hell of a long time since I last posted (its not as if anyone is counting) so I thought I should give an update on what Im doing. In September this year I started my art foundation course with the main intentions of getting better at drawing before going on to study animation at the Arts University Bournemouth (unless I can get into Calarts or Sheridan), and to learn how to paint. Having actually switched from another art foundation course down to the Royal West of England Academy I had missed the first couple of weeks of workshops and so missed the chance to do Illustration however was pleased to be put straight into the modelling workshop. First task of the day was to model the face of the person sat across from you, and here are the results. This was the first time I had ever done any clay modelling as I was much more used to using plasticine on a small scale, so this was quite a jump for me. Unfortunately I forgot to get a photo of my 'model' but it didn't look much like her anyway so I prefer to say she was just the inspiration.

I decided to continue some of this modelling work later as well and in preparation for the animation workshop. I attempted a plasticine horse with wire frame.however I ran out of white plasticine for the back leg which is currently just an exposed wire although it's still able to stand which is a small feat. The Dog below was created in the animation workshop and was capable of full articulation if you were willing to spend the time to get him back on model every time you moved him, which my animation accomplice was not. The animation was pretty shabby so there probably wont be any of that posted up here unless I can get the model home to do some myself.

 My most recent model:

 Expect bulk posts in the near future as I post what I've been doing since March

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